Bam! Gauntlets of Ogre's Strength +x, Mithral Full Plate, and Belts of Healing are favorites of of any good adventuring party but these are only the transparent loves of the combat-loving ruffian. Behind the scenes players need a lot of stuff. Obviously food and water are needed constantly (unless your DM is nice or doesn't care) but from 1 to level 20 thousands of gold pieces are spent on all sorts of non combat related expenses. Socialism is fine but devoting the tiniest share of the loot to expenses helps. Lodging is big, if your DM's evil sleeping under the stars will grant you an early breakfast of gelatinous cube so long term thoughts on beds are a must. Apartments are dirt cheap in awful parts of the city but make your own guild house. If you don't mind converting a bunch try the 3.0 Stronghold Builder's Guidebook for ideas and base prices but your sourcebooks have basic info and Campaign settings should come up with more lodging options. Try designing your own castle for once, its very satisfying.
Unless you're agoraphobic I suppose you'll need some transportation as well. Easy answer for overland storage is to get a horse or five. One for riding, 2 for storage, 1 testing for traps, and a fifth for tax-returns --whatever you want. They're cheap to feed and at those early levels when a bag of holding is either too expensive or too small they're economically worth it. Alternatively get something big n' nasty which can work all purpose. Run over to the Talenta plains and wrangle a dinosaur or find yourself an axebeak, whatever works for you. Running a campaign in Eberron I found it helped to have the players keep a carriage or some other sort of moving platform. A stable base gives you speed, some protection, and a place to call home.
Oh and boats, those I could write a book on. Boats in RPG's are my life's work. I'm going to get back to you on boats.
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